Welcome to Tri-State Health Ministry Organization
Faith Community Nurse (FCN) Roles
Health Counselor
Discusses health concerns, emphasizing early response to problems and encouraging healthy lifestyles. Makes home, hospital and nursing home visits as needed.
Health Educator
Promotes an atmosphere where individuals of all ages, through a variety of educational activities, explores the relationship between values, attitudes, lifestyle, faith and health.
Referral Advisor
Resources are provided to other congregational resources as well as those found in the community at large.
Volunteer Coordinator
Recruits, coordinates, and resources volunteers within the congregation to serve in various health ministries.
Integrator of Faith and Health
In all activities and contacts, the FCN seeks to promote the understanding of the relationship between faith and health. Works to improve health of body, mind, spirit, community, and creation
Developer of Support Groups
Facilitates the development of support groups for members of the faith community and people from the external community.
Health Advocate
The FCN works with the client, faith community and primary health resources to provide what is in the best interest of the client from a whole person perspective; listening and supporting the client to do what they can do, and bring their voice when they seem to have none.